Sat 04 Jan
Female Photographer Seeking Natural Hairy Women for Solo Shoots $300 - 29
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, TBD)
NEW NEW NEW!! An UNFORGETTABLE Experience! INTIMATE Encounters Available! - 47
(Portland, Salem, Vancouver)
Have a threesome this weekend with TWO AMAZING women - 24
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
AVAIL. AT 6 PM ♥— • P • E • T • I • t • E • '&& S •E • X •Y • — ♥ LIMITED TIME HERE - 20
(Salem, My place or Yours (;)
Flirty Jobs is hiring women and men for porn jobs - 18
(All Areas, Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Roseburg, Salem)
INCALL 125 SPECIALS NOW!! Two Girls or Just One For Fun!!! - 28
(In/Out Call N.Salem & Surrounding Areas)
▇♥▇▇SPECIALS▇♥▇ ♥▇♥▇ BUSTY:¦:- GONE N A FEW days♥▇♥▇ REAL PICS▇♥▇♥▇ MUST SEE▇♥▇♥▇ - 25 - 25
(Salem, market)
STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ HERΞ 🚨 NEW ⇉ FLaWLeSS BeAUtY ⇉👉1OO% REAL 🎯 Uŋƒoŗŗgєтαвℓє •• Looķ Nø Ғυrther - 22
Fri 03 Jan
(ஜ๑ (ŚeXŶ_ βy_ŃaŤuŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃaÚgĤŤy_ bŶ_ČhŐiČe) New Classy Mixed Beauty... - 23
(Salem, market incall/ outcall)
¨*•.EXOTIC AsiAn .•*¨¨*•. BoMBShELL .•*¨¨*• IS READY & HeRe •*¨¨*•. 1000% ME GUARENTEE!!! CALL Now - 21
(Salem, Salem area Incall/Outcall ALL DAY&NITE;)
Bp special $20 off hhr $30 off hr!! My hands and mouth will pamper you in SALEM! Avail Wed/Thu 9-2 - 37
(Corvallis, Eugene, Portland, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)
come see just how sweet I realy am 90$ one night here so dont miss me - 25
(Salem, incall call specials)
Backpage users: protect your constitutional more - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
COME IN, GET warm up with me FROM THE COLD !!!!! Click here nikki Back INCALL SPECIAL - 25
(Salem, Incall special(market st ))
~♥~ Exotic Chocolate Sexy ~♦~ N Ready2 4Fill Urs Dreams ~♣~ Weekend Special ~♠~ - 22
(Salem, ((incall))~♦~((outcall))~♦~((special)))
~>>~ SeXy PeTitE ReDhEaD CaLl NoW fOr SpEcIaLS XOXO** - 23
(Salem, (SaLem In/Outcalls)247 CaLL 4 Specials!!)
HeY GuyS> > > > > CANDY is here to PLeaSe* * * * * * * * * * * * - 23
$120$ incall specials((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* ★ )) __*1OO% ME!*__ (( ★ SexY blOnDe! ★)) - 21
(Portland, se portland ONLY 120$$$)
Brunette Beauty 🐬 Sexy w/ Freckles 🐬 Beautiful Body 🐬 Available NOW - 23
(North Salem Incall, Salem)
3 HoT Girls . CommIng to your town NoW.. ... .. Wana Play with Us??? - 26
(Salem, PDX- SaLEM- EuGeen -- I5)
-:- Back N Town -:-Lovely.. Sexy.. Classy.. Lady.. A Good Late Nite1Hr Special....... - 22
(Salem, incalls/outcalls)
Get ready for love in 5 min!! - 23
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Right here, Roseburg, Salem)
★ ACTUAL PICS ★ Gentlemen Start Your Engines! ★ Amazing 38D Breasts ★ I'M BACK, BOOK NOW!,
(Salem, Salem In/Out Everywhere)
CLICK HERE!💋 💋 Ex○TiC💣💣💣 S_ E_ X_ X_ X_Y💣 B_ O_ M_ B_ S_H _E _L_L_S💣💣💣2Girls - - 22 - 23 - - 22
**~~ I/C~~** Sp3ci@l 115 ** O/C n3w sm@ll & P3TIT3 tr3@t **~~ - 22
(Salem, i/c salem o/c suroundn areas)
▇♥▇BEAUTY▇♥▇ ♥▇ SEXY -:¦:- specials$125 -:¦:-EBONY ▇♥▇♥▇ READY▇♥▇♥▇ MUST SEE▇♥▇♥▇ - 25
(Salem, market)
SeXy??????Willing ????Ready now24/7 - 24
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, here, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
CLICK HERE!💋 💋 Ex○TiC💣💣💣 S_ E_ X_ X_ X_Y💣 B_ O_ M_ B_ S_H _E _L_L_S💣💣💣2Girls - - 22 - 23 - - 22
T_H__E__ :: _U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__ :: _ E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E_IN SALEM - 25
(Salem, north salem incall)
~The Ultimate Companionship ~SEXY One OF a Kind~ True Fantasy Fulfiller~
(Eugene, Portland, Salem, PDX/Eugene/Salem)
Sexual enhancement right now
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
★ REAL PICS ★ Gentlemen Start Your Engines! ★ Amazin 38D Breasts, Blue Eyed Blonde ★ BOOK NOW 24/7 ★
(Bend, Portland, Salem, PDX In/Outcall Everywhere)
weekend specials... Don't miss out😘😍 in Portland / beaverton - 23
(Klamath Falls, Medford, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, Salem, Oregon)
Thu 02 Jan
DoUbLe the tRoUblE ♥ 2 ExOtIc GiRlS ♥ Twice the FuN ❤All NiGhT SpeCiAls❤ - 21
(Salem, Salem INCALL/outcall)
My hands and mouth spoil you in Salem! Booked! Pre-booking Wed-Thu 8a-8p Fri 8-10a/1230-230p - 37
(Corvallis, Eugene, Oregon Coast, Portland, Salem, Salem Incalls No Outcalls)